Nicholas Colloff


Nicholas Colloff is the director of the Argidius Foundation, a private family foundation. This is focused on advancing enterprise development in emerging economies as an approach to poverty reduction. It adopts a venture philanthropy approach to developing key market leading organizations with potential for reaching effective scale.

As a venture philanthropist and a starter of things, he has helped found organizations in financial inclusion, literacy, mental health & development and yoga in prisons. He has also worked on strategy and innovation in Oxfam GB, a large and complex international NGO; effected a complex merger of microfinance institutions in Russia; and, rescued an arts & spirituality centre in Wales.

He studied philosophy and theology at university in London, contemplated religious life and though, on balance, thought not remains contemplatively engaged and when not meditating or reading can be found either surveying an art gallery, walking in a forest or swimming in a lake. 

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Director of Argidius Foundation and former Director of Innovation at Oxfam GB